I did it!

I put it off as long as I could.

First, I had to let dinner digest, because goodness knows I didn’t want to feel all nervous with all that food burbling in my stomach. The  I had to calm myself down by playing some games on Facebook. Then I played Zuma. Then I had to go pee.

But by then it was 8 pm, and I had to have the shot done by 9. So I started prepping it all up.

I wiped down my counter and started pulling out everything I needed. Two vials of menopur, plus the water solution. My follistim pen. Alcohol swabs. The Qcap. The proper syringe. The proper needle. I got it all laid out and considered procrastinating further by going to take a photo. But then I remembered I’d tried to load pictures off the camera earlier and the USB cable wasn’t working. (Hence why there are no photos of the stash right now.)

About this time R came in to see what I was doing. I think he was going to remind me to take the shot, but since he saw I was already prepping he stood around for moral support.

We got it all mixed up, although it took a little time since I was being so careful with it being the first time. I’m sure I’ll be an old hat at this soon enough. But I got it all mixed, the spot on my stomach wiped and pinched. Then I stared at it.

And stared at it.

And stared at it.

And giggled uncontrollably.

R tried to cheer me up, offering up bits of wisdom and trying to tell me how nervous I was, and it was ok.

I finally kicked him out of the room, because his watching me do it was making it worse.

It took me maybe 20 minutes, but I finally managed to stab myself and inject the meds. Menopur burns, the bastard.

Overall, though? It wasn’t that bad. But the idea that you’re going to stab yourself, with a needle (even a tiny one) is a pretty big hurdle to get over.

I’m sure the next one will be easier.

For now, I’m proud of myself for finally managing to do it. This is still more about medications that I ever wanted to know, though.

Posted in ivf. 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “I did it!”

  1. babydontforget Says:

    The nurse at my clinic says she’s surprised all the time that her patients manage to get the medications done correctly, again and again, because even actual nurses get a significant amount of training before they’re allowed to inject people with drugs. Maybe this is a sign that we should all switch careers? 🙂

  2. burkey0906 Says:

    Hi Stacy

    I’ve not long started my first IVF cycle and I’m finding the injections so much easier now… so far I’ve stabbed myself 20 times!! :o)

    Best of luck, it does get easier!

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